Facts about People & Countries

 Facts about People & Countries

  1. Scientists say tears tell you the reason for someone crying. If the first drop comes from the right eye, it’s tears of joy. Otherwise, it’s because of pain.

  2. In the UK in 2019, renewable energy generated more electricity than fossil fuels for the first time ever. Also, did you know Norway gets 0% electricity from coal? And Germany has installed 1 kW of renewable capacity per person in the last decade?
    a) (Climate change is the biggest global issue of our time, but there are some things to feel positive about!)

  3. The longest reigning monarch ever was Louis XIV of France. He ruled for 72 years, 110 days. Exhausting.

  4. Marie Curie was the first person ever to win TWO Nobel Prizes – one for physics in 1903, the other for chemistry in 1911 for her work on radioactivity.

  5. King Henry VIII of England had servants called “Grooms of Stool”, who wiped him clean after he visited the toilet. Gross.

  6. 0.5% of the male population are descended from Genghis Khan. (Scientists did a study in 2003 showing that about 16 million dudes share a Y chromosome with the famous Emperor.)

  7. Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the Isle of Man all have claims to having the oldest parliament in history, all of which were founded in the 9th and 10th centuries.

  8. Russia is the most forested country in the world, with 815 million hectares.

  9. China is the world’s most populous country, with around 1.4 billion people living there.

  10. The youngest person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is Malala Yousafzai (aged just 17 in 2014), for her work as a child rights activist and champion of girls’ right to education.

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